FM 1314 Just North of Porter Heights Will Be Closed This Evening as Hazmat Teams Cleanup Nitric Acid Leaking from 18 Wheeler | Woodlands Online

2022-08-13 14:48:58 By : Ms. Yangyang Hu

By: The Woodlands Fire Department | Published 08/12/2022

PORTER HEIGHTS, TX -- This afternoon The Woodlands Fire Department Hazmat team responded as part of a multi-agency response to an 18 wheeler leaking nitric acid. The truck pulled over on FM 1314 just north of Porter Heights after passing motorist alerted him that he had liquid leaking from the back of the trailer. Porter Fire Department arrived and upgraded the incident to a Hazmat Alarm bringing TWFD, Montgomery County Hospital District, Caney Creek Fire & Rescue, Montgomery County Fire Marshal's Office and Harris County Fire Marshal Hazmat to the scene. Hazmat personnel determined that the leak was coming from a large tote in the middle of the trailer. Crews had to wear chemical protective suits and be on breathing air as they operated in the near 100 degree temperatures. To access the leaking tote firefighters had to partially unload the truck using a fork lift, again all while in protective chemical suits. Crews were finally able to access the leaking tote late this afternoon and remove it and mitigate the leak. A private hazmat company will be taking over cleanup but FM 1314 will likely be closed well into the evening.